Wave round

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tweet Up?

I love going to conferences... but it seems bitter sweet that the discussion end with the end of the conference.This is why I have come to love tweeter. It seems that in the world of social media the conversations can happen before, during, and after events. I love that!

So you guessed it - I'll be tweeting again. Follow  #SMPSPRC to catch the discussion. I'll will be attempting to tweet (@scatpdx) while at PRC and then adding in some more detailed blog posts here after sessions.

Tweeting is fun - but I really like to meet up in person. So, I'm proposing a tweet up if anyone is interested. The #SMPSPRC tweet up would be  Wed, Feb 15 around 4:30p at Upstart Crow (coffee shop/bookstore near the hotel) where we can start the discussion before heading out for the restaurant roundup.

Let me know if your in? Let the discussion begin!


PS Don't know what this twitter stuff is all about but want in on the discussion come on by and we'll get you started.

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